viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

Have you ever thought about the benefits of reading?

Reading is an extremely important skill. It is by reading that you learn much of what you need to know for your different school subjects. We can also read in several languages: Spanish, Valencian, English, French, ...
We can choose poetry, fiction, theatre plays, magazines, newspapers, ...

But how does it really help us? If you want to know, just go on reading....

a- Reading helps your mind
People who read have higher general knowledge than people who don't.

b- Reading reduces stress
If you have a stressful day, a book can easily distract you.
You can't move while you're reading, so your body is relaxed too

c- It increases your vocabulary
Reading forces us to look at new words

d-It improves your memory
New names, places,....

e- It improves your writing skills
The more you read, the better of a writer you’ll become.

f- It's cheap
You can get free books to read at the local library

So.......what's your next book ?

Departamento de Idiomas

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